
Abdullah II Links Stability In Lebanon To Hezbollah's Electoral Victory

A source close to King of Jordan Abdullah The Second, denied telling American officials that he fears a Hezbollah coup plot against the Lebanese government next July, Annahar reported today.
The denial followed a statement by Republican Representative Mark Kirk, in which he quoted King Abdullah as expressing fears in this vein.
However, the royal source, while denying talks about a coup, linked stability in Lebanon to Hezbollah's victory in the coming parliamentary election in June.
"King Abdullah thinks that Hezbollah is confident of winning the coming parliamentary elections" the source said, adding that "this is a reason why the party would avoid tension and escalation in the street"...
Well, well well..... The King mentions nothing about what would happen if Hezbollah lost the elections...
Hezbollah offers an answer though. "Mutual Assured Destruction"...
As mentioned in previous note, Hezbollah conditions to be given the "one third + one" veto power in the after-election-cabinet in order to avoid taking the battle into the streets...
Just yesterday
U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said in his 9th report on the implementation of resolution 1559:
the presence of armed groups and militias create an atmosphere of fear during the period of parliamentary elections.

Hence, Hezbollah puts the following equation on display. A coup from within the system using the unconstitutional veto power to paralyse the democratic governance process (read more here), or another from outside using weapons and streets to attain the same goal...

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