
US Right On Obama

John P. Hanna is afraid that unless an ultimatum-based approach with clear deadlines and real consequences is applied as a negotiating strategy with Iran over its nuclear program, the regime in Tehran will likely be strengthened, having shown its own people and the rest of the world that it is again succeeding in its old strategy of using long, useless talks to toy with and humiliate the West by highlighting the international community's impotence.
In the same vein, Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton tells NRO that he is unimpressed.

It’s in Iran’s interest to have negotiations. It buys them time, legitimacy, and reduces the possibility of sanctions. We have been through this pattern repeatedly with Iran. When some information Iran has tried to conceal comes out, it causes another round of negotiations, but no real halt to their nuclear-weapons program. It’s just Groundhog Day, over and over again.”

By agreeing today to another meeting, that’s a huge step forward for Iran. It buys them time with the IAEA, and lets them say to the world that ‘we’re open for inspections,’ even though they now have time to remove anything that they want to conceal.”

“In President Obama’s mind, these talks are his proof that his open-hand philosophy is working. As I say in my National Review cover story this week, you’re never going to chit-chat Iran out of their nuclear-weapons program. Negotiations work in Iran’s favor.

US President came under fire from Charles Krauthammer in the WP today. He accuses Obama of "
Confusing ends and means" and striving "mightily for shows of allied unity, good feeling and pious concern about Iran's nuclear program -- whereas the real objective is stopping that program".
Krauthammer quotes French President Nicolas Sarkozy as saying on Sep. 24: "President Obama, I support the Americans' outstretched hand. But what did the international community gain from these offers of dialogue? Nothing." He then concludes:

When France chides you for appeasement, you know you're scraping bottom.

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